Lines: What I learned to help take better photos—Part Three

Erwin Hartenberg looks at the ways in which lines are important in photographic composition...

But Why? A brief ride through time in search of purpose

Unduly influenced by black & white movies (from the Marx Brothers to Jimmy Cagney), and longing for a gaberdine to mimic the understated swagger of Humphrey Bogart, I was thoroughly preoccupied with being, by my own definition, cool. “Why photography?” you might have asked. “Because I can,” would have been my surly reply.

APS-C cameras: The world keeps on turning after the death of the Leica CL

Leica has left the APS-C camera market with the discontinuation of the CL. But the assumption that a sensor size between Micro Four Thirds and full-frame has not future proved wrong.

A Photographic Road Trip Across the Western United States: The final leg

Part two of a photographic trip across the Southwest of the United States, beginning in Colorado, brings us all the way to California. Along the way, we get to enjoy some spectacular views of the Grand Canyon.

Looking back on Irish photography since 1839

On August 17, William Fagan will present a Zoom talk on the subject of Irish photography since 1839. Here is a review, written by William, intended to whet your appetite. He hopes you will join him for the talk...

All GAS and Gaiters: A reflection on a distressing condition affecting some photographers

It's an affliction that most of us suffer from, one time or another, and it's difficult to treat effectively. Jon takes us through the tale of his own lifelong GAS, Gear Acquisition Syndrome, and discusses the remedies (if any)…

Could this be the end for the Nikon 1 series? We hope not.


Rumours have been swirling around Nikon's unique one-inch sensor CX system range. Will it be discontinued or not? Mike hopes there is a future for this mini system.

Grey Matter

Roderick field examines his relationship with black and white photography in these times of lockdown and isolation...

From Nikon to Leica: I handled the Leica and fell in love. I have...

Professional photographer Jeremy Walker used Nikon gear most of his working life. Now he has sold up and opted for the Leica rangefinder. Here's why...

Nikon D3200: Megapixel mania

Only a year or so ago the pundits were saying 12 Megapixels is all the sane photographer needs for perfect pictures. That’s all forgotten...

Jack Frost on a Manfrotto focus rail at the crack of dawn


How to get some fabulous frosty shots....

EISA Awards 2019: No Leica gongs but kudos for L-mount Alliance

Panasonic S1R is the best advanced full frame camera of 2019 and Sigma pulls off two major zoom lens accolades in EISA Awards

Nikon’s web-surfing camera is a first

Want to surf the web on your camera and upload your photos to social sites without having to take your SD...

Thursday news roundup: And a few things to do during lockdown

Coping with the lockdown and some things you can do from the comfort of your own home....

A hard break-up: Life without Leica

Is there life after Leica? Erwin Hartenberg rationalises his move from Leica back to Nikon and wonder whether, at some point, he will move back to the Leicasphere...