Electric Cars: Ready for the mainstream?
Micro four-thirds and macro photography
Balancing exposure for natural light macro photography can be easier with a smaller sensor where wider apertures do not restrict the depth of field drastically. Sometimes the wider depth of field of the micro four-thirds sensor can have its advantages....
Typewriters out, computers in
Vintage Japan: Brylcreem and stale cigarette smoke
Japan in 1979 was a far different place, very few signs in Latin script, very few English speakers. John spent some time vistting Kawasaki and Tohatsu and grabbing a few tourist shots. He was impressed by the Brylcreem in the meeting room, but less enthusiastic about the sale cigarette smoke.....
Ten days in Turkey: Ephesus and Pamukkale
From a snapshot to a fisheye and all that glitters
Keeping over-exposure under control
Lisbon: A favourite city is now becoming swamped by visitors
Manplan Project: The state of Britain at the end of the Swinging Sixties
First impressions: The tiny but astonishing Leica APO-Summicron-M 35 f/2 ASPH
Whale-watching Sydney style
Back-Button Focus: Disentangling focus and shutter release
The Golden Fields of Ziro Valley
Fuji X takes time for a day at the agricultural fair
Can there be anyone still reading who doesn’t want to hurry off right now to their local agricultural fair? Well, I hope you will at least give one a try? The doughnuts are delicious!
Fuji X-H1: What is image stabilisaton and how does it work?
Why is in-body and in-lens stabilisation becoming a must-have feature on mirrorless cameras?