Home Film The M-Files postscript

The M-Files postscript

Jörg-Peter Rau with the original, film, Leica CL

Early in the New Year, Jörg-Peter Rau wrote to suggest a series of articles on non-Leica cameras which used the M-mount. I readily agreed although it seemed like a lot of work at the time.

As it turned out, I was right. It was a great work for J-P, and I am still amazed at how he juggled all those cameras (and lenses), managing to test seemingly every permutation. I certainly learned a lot about equipment I had barely given thought to in the past. The M-files became a constant companion during the first four months of 2021, a fortnightly cycle of preparation, proofing and publishing.

Jörg-Peter Rau with the original, film, Leica CL
Jörg-Peter Rau with the original, film, Leica CL

The series represents a monumental investment in time and effort, and I am sure it will become a popular internet resource for anyone interested in the history of the M-mount. All this was only possible thanks to a number of helping hands who were generous with loans. Enthusiasts like David Babsky provided some cameras and lenses, says Jörg-Peter.

I am sure all readers of Macfilos join with me in thanking Jörg-Peter for all the insight and expert analysis he brought to this venture. Of course, the M Files are not complete despite all the effort that we put into it. Jörg-Peter has said that he will add a few more episodes about some popular, easy-to-find and interesting Zeiss and Voigtländer lenses within the next few months.

He might also be tempted to dive deeper into the Konica M mount system, most notably the 35/2 and the exotic 21-35 dual range lens. So if a Macfilos reader has such gear and is willing to support the project, I am happy to put them in touch with Jörg-Peter. He told me he also considers acquiring some selected items if reasonably priced.

If you are new to The M-Files, here are all the links to the Macfilos articles in English and the German versions published on Messsucherwelt.com.

The M Files in English

The M-Files series reviews cameras and lenses that are equipped with the M bayonet without actually belonging to the Leica M system. The ten parts are also available in the German language (see below):

  1. Introduction to the M Files series
  2. Voigtländer Bessa R4M with Voigtländer 35/1.4 and 21/4
  3. Konica Hexar RF with Konica 50/2
  4. Rollei 35 RF with Sonnar 40/2.8
  5. Zeiss Ikon with ZM 25/2.8, 35/2.8 and 50/2
  6. Bessa T with Voigtländer 35/2.5 and 15/4.5
  7. Leica CL with Leica’s compact 40/2 and 90/4
  8. Minolta CLE 40/2, 28/2.8, 90/4 and several 21mm wide-angles
  9. Conclusion
  10. Encore: It does not always have to be Leica – my top lens recommendations

Die M Files auf Deutsch

Die M-Files sind eine Serie über Kameras und Objektive, die mit dem M-Bajonett ausgestattet sind, ohne zum Leica-M-System zu gehören. Die zehn Teile sind auch in deutscher Sprache erschienen und stehen auf www.messsucherwelt.com bereit:

  1. Einführung: Worum es in den M-Files geht
  2. Die Weitwinkel-Expertin: Voigtländer Bessa R4M mit Voigtländer Nokton II 35/1.4 und Color-Skopar 21/4
  3. Die moderne Messsucherkamera: Konica Hexar RF mit M-Hexanon 50/2
  4. Ein großer Name: Rollei 35 RF mit Rollei Sonnar 40/2.8
  5. Design trifft auf Tradition: Zeiss Ikon mit Carl Zeiss Biogon 25/2.8, Biogon 35/2.8 und Planar 50/2 ZM
  6. Der Messsucher-Sonderling: Voigtländer Bessa T mit Voigtländer Heliar 15/4.5 und Color-Skopar 35/2.
  7. Die andere Leica: Leica CL mit Summicron-C 40/2 und Elmar-C 90/4
  8. Das unterschätzte Innovationspaket: Minolta CLE mit Minolta M-Rokkor 28/2.8, 40/2 and 90/4
  9. Zusammenfassung: Die Vermessung der Messsucherwelt
  10. Zugabe! Gedanken zu Nicht-Leica-M-Objektiven und eine persönliche Top-5-Hitliste

Read more from Jörg-Peter Rau

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  1. I shouldn’t say this ..not with the post-Brexit extortionate import/export charges between Germany and the UK – thanks, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.. but I do happen to have here “..the exotic 21-35 dual range lens..” if J-P wants to try it. (It was, supposedly, the inspiration for the Leica 28-50-35mm (in that order) mini-zoom, and the Leica 16-18-21mm (in that order) very wide mini-zoom.)

    I don’t find there’s all that much difference between 21mm and 35mm (I don’t use 35mm anyway), and a 21-45mm would have been much more useful, I think ..but what do I know?

    Anyway, it’s yours, J-P, if you’d like to borrow it. (It makes a very good 21mm, anyway!)




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