Grammarly: For the writers who think they don’t need it
Are you an immaculate writer, never putting a comma wrong? If so, perhaps you don't need Grammarly. But, for the rest of us, it has it's uses (sorry, its).
How much RAM do you need to use Lightroom?
Do you need 1.5TB of RAM to process your holiday snaps. No way. But you might benefit from 16GB or even 32GB of extra computing power.
Sifting the mullock heap for the odd gold nugget
Photographic libraries are often a dish best served cold. Go back over rejected shots after a few years and you could discover a few gold nuggets. This is what John did and it a paid dividend.
William Hannah’s new pen case and notebook fastener
William Hannah's leather-bound loose-leaf notebooks are the best. But that's just my opinion. Now you can add an elastic fastener and a colour-matching leather pencase. It makes a perfect Christmas present.
Leica Owners’ Area updated and ready for business
After an absence of several months, the Leica Owners' Area is now up and running again with an improved graphic interface. It could be the home for all your cameras and lenses, even those from third-party manufacturers.
iPhone is a breakthrough hand-held computer
Twelve years ago the iPhone was launched to a mixed reception. Yet it represented a revolution which had totally transformed the cellular phone and has made the hand-held computer universal. It's importance cannot be underestimated.
Leica to issue dedicated FOTOS for iPad
The iPad is moving away from the iPhone's limitations and becoming a real workhorse which, in many cases, could replace a Mac. Developers are acknowledging this change, including Leica with a new version of Leica FOTOS made fro the iPad.
Procrastinating all the way to the trash can
The Most Dangerous Typing app will eat your words if you don't keep typing. It's not the app for the avid procrastinator as Mike finds out....
Macfilos: Tip on viewing images
There's a quick way to enlarge and scroll through images in a Macfilos photo feature...
Keeping over-exposure under control
Does film cope better with highlights? Does digital bring more recovery potential from underesposed areas. It's a complex issue but we reached a conclusion
Aperture bites the dust — again
Apple's Aperture is about to fall off the cliff. It's time to look around for a replacement.
Typewriters and the Mueller touch
Did Mueller himself type his report? The two-space-after-stop convention leads to suspicion....
Blog Workflow: Offline editing brings greater productivity
Using an offline editor for posting to Wordpress encourages more productivity
Workflow: The humble typewriter through rose-coloured glasses
Notebooks, typewriters, fountain pens: All should by rights be dead, foully killed off by the computer. But they live on.....
Paperless Office: Is it (nearly) here at long last?
Where are we it the much heralded paperless office? It isn’t here yet (not quite), but an efficient sheet-feed scanner and an intelligent digital storage system can turn you into a 95% paperless paragon