Macfilos at 15 — the blog is now a gangly youth but looking always to the future. We started in 2008, originally operating as an Apple-centric technology site, spurred on by the success of the new iPhone. Since then, the focus has changed dramatically and Macfilos has become a significant voice in the world of Leica photography. The name remains the same, however, and the Mac bit is easy to understand when you remember our Apple past.
Labour of love
Working on Macfilos has become almost a full-time job for me, as editor, but I am fortunate in that I am retired, I enjoy it and have the time. However, the continued operation of the blog depends on self funding. With no advertising or sponsorship, the day-to-day running costs come from my own pocket and the bill gets ever larger.
Fortunately, I am no longer alone. In the past couple of years, I have had tremendous support from our editorial colleagues, Jörg-Peter Rau in Germany and Keith James in California. We’ve formed a small editorial board and discuss activities daily. We are also blessed with a strong and growing band of regular contributors based all over the world, and that makes curating the site so much easier.

The combined efforts of our contributors and editorial team has resulted in steady increases in both visitor and page view numbers. Thus, between June 2022 and June 2023, visitor numbers increased by 112% and page views by 70%. Macfilos is reaching more photography enthusiasts than ever, with content that is relevant, well regarded, and readable. We deliver gear reviews by photographers who have used the equipment in the field, travel articles from far-flung locations, news about the latest developments in the world of photography, and of course, lots of outstanding photographs.

Macfilos at 15 is becoming expensive
Costs continue to rise, however. Hosting fees are inflated because of the huge number of photographs we upload to the site every year. There is a whole raft of additional fees and subscriptions, including agency bills, to make sure that the site is running reliably. And we have to pay for spam protection, malware protection and daily backups, which are essential in maintaining a constant presence.
Now, we face additional costs in implementing a cookie policy to comply with data-protection legislation. We have put this off repeatedly (because I hate the intrusion when I visit websites) but now we have to do something, although we aim to implement it in the least obtrusive way possible. We are not interested in collecting or using data in any way, but, unfortunately, we are swept up in the increasingly onerous do-gooder restrictions being forced on all blog owners. They are well-meaning, I am certain, but they irritate me beyond measure when I visit other sites.

The best way forward for Macfilos at 15?
The obvious way of helping to pay for all this is advertising. Yet, this is something we have decided to avoid*. For simplicity, then, we have chosen to use a PayPal donate button. If you feel that Macfilos is worth supporting, you can use it to send whatever you think is appropriate. We do not offer any special service or additional content to supporters since we wish to keep it simple.
Our annual running costs this year will be around £3,000 ($3,800, €3,500) and all of this is paid entirely by the editorial board who, in addition, give up a big chunk of spare time to bring you regular stories and images.
If you have enjoyed reading Macfilos over the years, please do consider making a donation of any size; no amount is too small and everything will be received gratefully and put to good use. We are not in the business of making profit, so any surplus will be carried forward to future years or could be spent on upgrading to a new theme to make reading more pleasurable and rewarding. While we mark Macfilos at 15, let’s look forward to celebrating Macfilos at 25.
Why make a donation NOW?
- Macfilos is part of your daily/weekly ritual and you enjoy this entertainment
- Macfilos has saved you money when buying (or not buying!) gear
- Macfilos makes you aware of things you newer knew about
- Macfilos shows you images and places you might otherwise never have heard of
- Macfilos authors work on a voluntary basis, receiving nothing for their work apart from feedback from fellow users
- Macfilos creates one of the friendliest communities in the world wide web
- Macfilos editors give the best they have: knowledge, time, talent — they should not have to throw in their money as well
* We have considered gaining financial support through Go Fund Me or Patreon, but these systems involve some reciprocal activity and higher commission costs
Want to contribute an article to Macfilos? It’s easy. Just click the “Write for Us” button. We’ll help with the writing and guide you through the process.
I’ve tried to donate just using my credit card, but PayPal keeps ‘hijacking’ the transaction, so I’ll have to go my PayPal account and do it again. Nothing new about that, as it is one of the things we have grown to expect from IT based systems. Give me old-fashioned mechanical systems anytime.
Although I have donated over 50 articles to Macfilos, I am happy to make a financial donation as well when the system lets me do this.
Third time lucky!
Thank you for letting us support this site, one of my favorites.
From across the pond …
Many thanks, Mark. And thank you for your contribution to our costs.
Eeeek. I was enjoying red wine and with my logical nature reduced I donated a second time. Actually, I thought you should have done this a year ago so I made a payment for the past year. Keep up the work that brings cheer and inspiration.
Thanks Brian. I did notice that but didn’t associate it with alcohol. I can easy refund the second payment if you wish.
You never get my humour – it was intentional. I think you are somewhat worthy of it. 😂
Sorry Brian… but your support is greatly valued. Thank you.
Well worth the contribution!
Thank you, Bill. And thank you for contributing your articles. Without our contributors, Macfilos would be a much poorer place and would not have reached the current success. Mike
mmm… great idea and well done thus far! But I can’t see a donate button a top or bottom of this article or home page. I am using safari on Mac book Pro. des
Dear Des,
I will look into this. I know the reason for the absence on the home page sidebar – that’s my fault and I can’t make it work. I intend to have another go today. However, it should appear in the article. I just checked, and it is showing on my screen just below the heading “Why make a donation NOW?” If you are still having difficulties, come back to me and I will investigate. Meanwhile, I hope to get the button back into the sidebar today.
I have managed to reinstate the donate button on the sidebar. Let me know if you still cannot see it.
Yes it’s back.
Mike, I tried using the donate link you’ve provided. I get this onscreen message “Donations to this recipient aren’t supported in this country”. Is there another way? Meantime, congratulations on turning a spritely 15 and here’s to trundling onto the next milestone!
Dear Farhiz, thank you for trying. I hadn’t expected blocks like this, but I can now imagine that some countries might have different rules in place. At the moment there isn’t an alternative. I suppose we could get a credit card service but the initial cost might outweigh the benefit. But thanks for trying! It is much appreciated. If anyone else can suggest an inexpensive alternative let me know.
One of my favorite places – you deserve every $
I just started seeing the ‘donate’ button, so this is a well timed article. I contribute to Wikipedia, which is an important resource — and MACFILOS is no less so.
Now, if I can dig out my PayPal password — alas my passwords are password protected 🙁
I cheerfully donated.
Happy to contribute £15 Mike and TYVM for all your team’s efforts in creating such a valuable resource.
Happy to do it. Already sent my donation.