A hard break-up: Life without Leica

Is there life after Leica? Erwin Hartenberg rationalises his move from Leica back to Nikon and wonder whether, at some point, he will move back to the Leicasphere...

Ricoh’s GR beckons again: But the choice just became more complicated

Last week's announcement of the Ricoh GR IIIx indicates that there is still a future for this unpretentious but eminently capable fixed-lens compact. But now you have to decide between 28mm and 40mm...

New South Wales: Lockdown walkie talkie and no-sit coffee

Lockdown comes to the NSW coast, so there's nothing for it but a walk, a talk and a stand-up coffee. But the little Sony RX100 puts a bit of spice into a dull day on the coast...

Is the camcorder oppressing the camera?

Is too much emphasis placed on video capabilities in cameras primarily used by stills photographers? Does everyone need video? Would life be simpler if we went back to basic, thoughful still creativity...

The quest for a high-quality compact camera: Sony’s RX1Rii still rules them all

What is the ideal travel camera, the pefect compromise between quality and size? Erin takes us on his quest to find the ideal carry-anywhere quality compact...

Give them an inch: Extraordinary sights in London’s West End

London is already starting to celebrate the end of lockdown and the return to normality. But is the euphoria resulting in a too-sudden turnaround?

Always Choose Three: A novel approach to art

Wayne encourages us all to visit art exhibitions, and his maxim is always to choose three outstanding images for discussion...

Lines: What I learned to help take better photos—Part Three

Erwin Hartenberg looks at the ways in which lines are important in photographic composition...

Telling Stories: What I learned to help take better photos—Part Two

Erwin continues his journey on the way to becoming a better photographer:

Walking the Greenway del Lago di Como with my RX100

The title is a mixture of American English and Italian, so I will give it some context.  Lake Como is the third largest of...

Sony Alpha 1: High-resolution, high-speed king

Sony announces the new Alpha 1 camera, claiming high resolution, high speed and technological advanced design...

Light: What I learned to help take better photos

Erwin explores the photography principle that dwarfs everything else, the fact that light matters.

Slim Rock n Roll linked strap now available for smaller cameras, including the Leica...

The leather-link Rock n Roll strap is a great companion for any camera. It is springy and comfortable to wear around the neck or over the shoulder. Now comes a narrower, less bulky version which is ideal for the Leica M and other compact cameras.

Zeiss ZX1 to be announced later today

According to rumours, the Zeiss ZX1 will be announced at 7pm Japanese time today. The camera was announced two years ago and is finally reaching the market at a cost of around £6,000.

Where does the camera industry go from here?

Narain Jashanmal takes a look at the current state of the photographic industry and wonders just where we go from here...